
Integrated Autism Consulting

Integrated Autism Consulting provides skilled, evidence and solution-based services for families, professionals and individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders across the lifespan and spectrum. Supporting young adults with Asperger Syndrome, as they transition from secondary school, has become a primary focus. Read More…

Asperger Syndrome

Some of the most interesting people that I have ever met have Asperger Syndrome. These individuals have incredible strengths. They are creative, unconventional, highly skilled and motivated in their areas of interest and have exemplary pattern recognition, focus, and attention to detail… Read more…

Coaching & Consultation

Integrated Autism Consulting is responding to the increasing needs of young adults with Asperger Syndrome transitioning from the secondary school setting into independent living. Read more…

Education & Training

Integrated Autism Consulting provides education and training for individuals, families and professionals on a wide variety of topics related to Autism Spectrum Disorders. Read more…