Introducing Marshall Abbott: Artist

Artist Statement

I am Marshall Abbott. I am a painter with experience in other mediums. My work is non-realistic, sometimes fantastical, often abstract or surreal. My goal in my work is to create art that is a window into another world. Worlds that are noticeably not real but created with enough detail that one can easily suspend their disbelief and believe it could be. 



 I am inspired by many things; the world around me, the beauty of nature the great works of art found throughout history. From Expressionism to Surrealism and everything in between. Some of my biggest influences include De Chirico, Frazetta, Van Gogh Hewlett and Basquiat.



Marshall Abbott is a painter and sketch artist from Barrie, Ontario and is a recent graduate in the Fine Arts program at Georgian College. Ever since he was a toddler Marshall has been creating art with pens, pencils and printer paper. His interests in the arts would continue into high school where he took traditional and digital art courses. During his time at Georgian College he has had two student exhibitions that he shared with his classmates at the end of each school year (2017/2018). 

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