Improv at Integrated Autism Consulting!

Come and join Alana Shields Barker, Director of ImprovAbility! , for an Introduction to Improv Class for young adults at Integrated Autism Consulting.  Alana, an alumnus and teacher from The Second City Toronto (1988 – 1999), has developed this basic Improv class with a social focus. As a card-carrying wallflower, Alana experienced first-hand how improvisation helped her discover her own social style and also how to:

  • Have extended conversations (What comes next?!)
  • Navigate a crowded room (Who ARE all these people?)
  • Decide when and HOW to end a conversation (Are we DONE yet?)
  • Find out more about other people (AKA possible friends…)
  • Be more socially confident. 

Dates:  November 5, 12, 19, 26 (Wednesday)

Who: Young adults aged 18 – 28

Time: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Where:  Integrated Autism Consulting Centre 25 Maple Avenue, Barrie

Cost: $150.00 for sessions and materials (Please pay at the first class).

About the Teacher:

Alana has acted, written and taught for over 30 years.  As an actor, she worked all across Canada in most of the major theatre centres.  She has written and produced her own work at The Toronto Fringe Festival (Chain Mail, 1994) and taught scene study and improvisation in the GTA for the last 20 years.  She trained, worked and taught at The Second City in Toronto, London and Detroit. 

Alana has a first hand knowledge of Asperger’s /Autism as a member of her immediate family has an ASD diagnosis.  She has trained as an Autism Intervenor with the Geneva Centre where she also certified in the areas of Social Skills training and anxiety management.  Alana’s overriding goal as a teacher is to help others unleash their creative, social sides.

 Come and Play in November! 

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