Asperger Syndrome/ASD Level 1
“I see people with Asperger’s Syndrome as a bright thread in the rich tapestry of life”
Tony Attwood
Some of the most interesting people that I have ever met have Asperger Syndrome/ASD Level 1. These individuals have incredible strengths. They are creative, unconventional, highly skilled and motivated in their areas of interest and have exemplary pattern recognition, focus, and attention to detail. Their long term memories put us “neurotypicals” to shame and they are honest, loyal, dependable and perseverant. Yes, they have challenges, and they often do need supports but that is why Integrated Autism Consulting was developed. This group of people has been the focus of my life work and every day presents a new and interesting perspective on the world. Working with their strengths, teaching new skills and individualized creative problem solving to help them navigate life’s complexities are the corner stone of services.
Asperger Syndrome/ASD Level 1 (AS) is considered an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and was recognized as such in 1994. By definition, people with AS have a average or above average I.Q. and many have exceptional skills and talents in specific areas of interest. Challenges often appear in social interaction, communication and behaviour. In addition, individuals often experience sensory issues, anxiety, executive functioning and self- motivation challenges, and immature emotional maturity.
In May 2013 the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- 5) did not include it as an individual category but rolled it into the single classification of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Individuals diagnosed with AS continue to use the term to differentiate themselves from the spectrum at large.
Q. What would happen if the autism gene was eliminated from the gene pool?
A. You would have a bunch of people standing around in a cave, chatting and socializing and not getting anything done.
– Temple Grandin, The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism & Asperger’s